30% Of Your Cortex Is Dedicated To Sight

Here’s a bit of a “oh the friggin’ hippies, shanti shanti” moment for you, [s2Get user_field=”first_name” /].

Having done this for over a decade now, I noticed a trend.

My high myope clients are less happy than my low myope clients.

Unmistakeable.  It’s rare that I see a happy, content, smiling type, who a -9 diopter prescription.  And by rare, I do mean rare.

Of course glasses aren’t the sole indicator for happiness.

But high diopter correction and lowered happiness are certainly correlated.  I should probably do a study on this and get it published in all the feel-good magazines.  Come up with all sorts of conclusions that’ll shake people up to those lenses holding their eyesight hostage.

Here’s another interesting study-worthy finding I’ve made:

Clients who lowered their prescriptions by 50% or more, seem noticeably happier.  It probably would be easy enough to use some accepted “happiness measurement questionnaire”, and have all my clients take it.  Get some hard(-ish) data on this topic.

It’s definitely more of Eastern medicine than Western medicine, the whole happiness subject.

But not only.

Example of how extremely nearsighted people experience color fringing and distortions if not looking directly through the center of their glasses:

Through the sides of the lens, the colors are prismatically shifted and distorted, resulting in seeing color fringing that does not exist.
Those lines are actually straight.  If you’re high myope, your whole world view is distorted.  Even the colors stop being accurately conveyed to your brain.

Lenses change what you see, your reality of the world around you.

What you see shapes your thoughts and experiences.  “Errors” in the image can cause anxiety, depression, headaches, and a whole range of other symptoms.

Of course you are already on the right track, having taken action by participating in my program.

We’re going to look at these aspects throughout the program.  While you came here to reduce diopters, so many things interplay with your vision, and it would be doing you a disservice to leave out any of them.

I always start you off with the basics, and build from there.

Basics, for today?  Starting off with good posture.  We don’t want to negate the benefits of your shiny new close-up differential prescription, with the wrong ergonomics.

What can you do today?

Action Item

With your differential prescription (hopefully you have it!), examine your work environment.  Are you sitting straight?  Are you changing posture to see the screen?  Are you creeping closer as you are immersed in your work?

Remember, habits.

Here’s what you want to do:

Once you have your differential prescription, NEVER again wear your full minus for close-up.  Never, ever.

Start off the first time wearing the differential prescription, with actually not wearing any glasses for 10 minutes or so, while looking at your screen.  First just spend a minute or two sitting comfortably, and experiencing blur.  Then move closer until you can read the text, just like you did measuring centimeter (skip this if you are very high myopia, ie. over -6).

Then put on your new happy-eyes close-up prescription.

Measure your centimeter distance with them.  Write it down in your log.

Now you want to take this first day to build a habit to keep a healthy distance, with your new lower close-up prescription.  What are you doing that compromises the distance?  Think of ways to eliminate potential bad habits you might be otherwise creating, with this new prescription.

This is really the first step, something nobody ever talks about elsewhere.  Start by building a good ergonomic distance habit, before doing anything else.  However you do the first day turns into the first week, turns into the first month.

Get yourself used to keeping the distance today, and eliminate a huge source of challenges for the long haul.

And while you are doing that, also start practicing some awareness as to how you feel, with this lower prescription.  It’ll just be optically a bit strange at first.  Beyond that though, monitor your emotional state:

  • Exciting new discovery, this reduced prescription?
  • Pride in having taken action?
  • Feeling a sense of accomplishment, having gone through this huge new undertaking?(signing up for my e-mail course, making the commitment of the program, learning centimeter, figuring out your differential prescription, ordering it, and now finally,. it being on your face … that’s pretty huge, you deserve to pat yourself on the back)
  • What else?  Do your eyes feel different after a few hours than they used to?
  • How about the end of the day?  Anything different?

Monitor yourself.  The more of your consciousness goes towards the experience, the better it will be.  I know, this is the “unscientific” part of the program.  Trust me though, I’m the least shanty-hippie friendly type there is, and even I found that what I’m describing to you above, is well worth including in your experience.

And yes, we need to start looking at active focus.  Above should be on your to-do list first though, so you don’t start dragging around bad habits.

Well done so far .. next up we’ll get into those differential prescription activities in more detail


– Jake