Hi, [s2Get user_field=”first_name” /].  It’s time to get more close-up focus efforts going.

So far I’ve been pretty laid back about the whole active focus topic.  Why?

At first you’ve got enough to do, just having figured out your close-up prescription, adjusting your close-up habits, and working on getting good habits.

I’ve learned this from many past mistakes:

Piling on too much all at once doesn’t help you any.  Sure, you want lots of insights right from the start.  It gives us a sort of mental high, to learn and experiment and conquer something new.  Or so we think …

We really just get high from feeling like we’re doing something new.

It’s how a whole self-help industry continues to thrive.  It’s a mental mirage.  And even though you want more, I’m just giving you little bitty sessions, one at a time.

(Trust me, I know.  I get a zillion e-mails from participants, asking for moar speeds and sessions.  Moar, Jakes!  I can handle it!)

Anyway.  Today, I’ll give you the moar.  Time to ramp up on the active focus for close-up.  I know you’re not spending as much time at the edge of blur as you could be.  You could be several centimeters back further, by now you have active focus, you could be back there a bit further.  How do you know how far?

Well … as long as you have active focus, it’s easy.  (and if you’re still struggling finding active focus, drop me a line in the forum – right now!)

You know blur, sharp image, and that fuzzy, evasive in-between.  It slithers in and out of focus, there is some double vision going on (more on that later), you blink and it gets clearer, blink again and you just lost it.

You can be in that space all day, while you work.

And you’ll forget, because once your conscious efforts are in your work, you don’t pay attention.

So, you adjust your ergonomics.  However you tend to sit when you’re comfortable, your preferred posture, have your screen at a bit more of a challenging distance.  Not squinty, sucky blur, but right around that edge where your eyes are always working for it, just a bit.  That’s where you want to be.  That’s what you want to get used to.

Once that becomes a habit, it’ll be much easier.  You’ll feel weird about too much easy clear focus.  And keeping yourself at the edge of blur reduces your close-up strain.

Action Items

Spend a bit of time today, checking your blur horizon distance.  Do your centimeter.  Adjust your ergonomically most comfortable setup to where your screen really is at that distance.

Remind yourself, whenever you can think of it, check yourself.  Are you trying to creep up on your screen?  Well … cut it out!  😉

This tends to be more difficult for those who work on things like photo editing or video editing, or other tasks that don’t involve text as primary focus source.  Unfortunately.  This is because text is a wholly different animal, which we’ll talk about some more later on.  (you don’t actually read text – you remember entire words)  If you use images, you are actually having to do more work to get the whole visual.  This requires closer distance than just reading.  So if that’s you, be patient with yourself.  Spend more time in active focus when you do read.

Go forth and challenge the distance!


– Jake

Session:  Audio Track

pending …

Session:  Video Stream

pending …