Hi, I’m Jake Steiner.

I used to wear all of those glasses (though not always all at once).

These days I don’t need any corrective lenses.  I learned how to beat my -5D myopia, and in the past decade I’ve helped thousands of others get their healthy eyes back, too.  

*Disclaimer:  We’re not talking prescriptions or medical advice here.  Your eyes aren’t broken and myopia is a big fat lie.  They’re selling you a 16th century invention (masqueraded as medicine) that change where your eyes focus.  They’re simply creating customers for a 100 billion dollar a year consumer business and they wish we’d just shut up and go away.   


I don’t recommend eye exercises or complicated regimens.  (those never work).  Instead, I help you identify eyesight damaging habits, and show you ways to correct those habits 

I show you how to fix your own eyesight.  I explain the science behind every habit change and activity, and give you the tools to quantify your own progress.

I give away 90% of my material for free.  (see the blog).  What you can learn from me for free beats 99% of anything else out there, worth learning about eyesight health.

First thing on your mind now probably, is
“Should I Trust This Guy?”  

Forget about me, for a second.  I’m irrelevant.  Instead of trust, start with looking at myopia, and critical exploration about retail optometry vs. clinical science.  That’s what you really need here:  Critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and a desire to get your eyesight back.  

From there, whether I’m the right guide for you, you can decide that after you understand your eyes properly.



I used to be an institutional finance guy.  Right place, right time, I managed to cash out and retire early.

But my eyes were in terrible shape.  14 hours a day, seven days a week for years and years really killed my vision.  I had all the time and money in the world, but every day was depressing nonetheless.  My optometrist said I needed an even higher prescription.

My myopia started in my early teens.  I really believe that it was the root cause of all sorts of awkwardness that followed me around like a raincloud all through my high school years.  Every year I could see less without glasses.  Sports became a non-starter.  My eyes were too dry for contact lenses.  And I didn’t have much of a sense of style, so I looked exactly like the sort of nerd just asking to be bullied.

Seriously.  It pains me to do this, but judge for yourself:


Look who’s about to spend his teens in monk-like celibacy.

You might rightfully ask, Jake.  Didn’t you have parents?  Wasn’t there anyone with a few words of at least fashion advice?

In any case, I’ve come to deeply resent the optometry establishment for their contribution to my teenage celibacy.

And I’m not sitting back to let them do to you what they did to me … if you want a better alternative.  I will help you get the benefit of all I’ve learned, and a way out of the clutches of the optometry money farm.  I figured it out.  So can you.

Today, I no longer need glasses for 20/20 vision.

And sure, life was getting better after the awkward period of youth.  And yet things kept getting worse and worse on the eyesight front.

Back to the Bangkok story, all those years back.  The optometrist told me that a -5.00 prescription increase should give me my night vision back.  The usual no real answers, just more prescriptions.  At that exact moment, I decided I’d had enough of the whole lot of them.  I would take all my analytical skills I learned in the finance world, and tackle the myopia problem, from the bottom up.

So I spent the next decade learning, traveling the world, meeting experts, testing ideas .. and amazingly, getting my eyesight back.

What as a personal journey turned into helping friends, turned into helping their friends, and eventually a whole new career.  Without having planned or even seen it coming, people started calling me the “eye guru”, and coming to see me from all corners of the globe.

Here’s one more important thing you need to know about me:

I’m not “practicing medicine”.  In the sense that we understand the term, we refer to a very specific and regulated profession which deals with treating illness.  I don’t treat illness.  The very core premise of #endmyopia is that your eyes are not in any way ill, or broken.  There is nothing to treat, or to cure.

Because of this you might instead think of me as the eye guru, rather than an optometrist or doctor.  A guru is a knowledgeable guide, somebody you might seek out to learn, whereas a doctor is someone you’d look to for a treatment.

I teach, they treat.  Entirely different premises.

  @Endmyopia: Why Do It?
A Look At Jakey’s Sinister Motives

The money, obviously.  😉 

But seriously (more about money in a moment).  It’s not just about glasses, or the whole “medical” scam, or the fact that they got me, and my youth, and me not wanting to leave that trap behind for the next generation to fall into.  

It’s much more than all that that basic fluff.  It’s staring your right in the face, the gigantic irony of glasses.  You think you don’t mind them.  That is possible a large common thread fallacy that limits you in so many ways.  Accepting failure and blur and them telling you that you’ve got to rent your eyesight from their retail shops.  Really, you don’t mind having your eyesight handicapped, for life?  You don’t mind seeing nothing but blur, on your own?

Fighting back against myopia is taking back more than just your eyesight.  You are living in a blurry haze of learned helplessness right now (if you don’t know the term, seriously look it up – it’s ruining your life and you don’t even know it).  

Tackle myopia and with it, stop accepting a whole lot of other learned helpless type behaviors.  You might stop accepting authority blindly (heh) as well as physical handicaps, and also nonsensical establishment explanations.  You’ll wind up a better you, having wiped the fake blur from your eyes.

Yea, I know what it sounds like.  I get carried away.  You have to admit though (or rather maybe you will, once you try for yourself).  Genetic myopia and 16 century “medicine” glasses as treatment, that’s some headshakingly outsized pile of nonsense.  

Why So Many People Come To Me For Healthier Eyesight

My approach, uniquely, actually accounts for your whole lifestyle. I help you overcome all the psychological barriers, all the lifestyle challenges, the excuses and roadblocks.

The key is not just in teaching you concepts.  They key is getting you to have the actual experience.

I don’t provide the sort of knowledge that you’ll nod your head to, feel better for a moment, but then never actually do anything about.  Your path when working with me, is one of action.  I teach you everything you need to know about your eyes, while helping you to take action.

This makes me unique in this whole arena.

Yes, you can read eyesight books.  Yes you can find a possibly very decent behavioral optometrist to help you with lower prescriptions.  For maximum results, you probably end up seeing me sooner or later.

You Don’t Need To Spend Your Life Behind Glasses.

I’m who you come to see whenever you are finally sick and tired of more glasses, higher prescriptions, and absolutely no answers from the optometrist.

It’s a world of chain store optic shops that are little more than prescription mills.  They’ll sell you something, and they really have all the tricks to make sure that your eyes will at least appear to need their product.

Ready for an ugly truth?  That first prescription, remember it?  Way back when?

It totally wasn’t necessary.

Back then you had what medical science often refers to as “pseudo myopia“, or “NITM” (near induced transient myopia).  It was a focusing muscle spasm.  Too much time in the books, in front of video games, TV.  Too much indoors, dark rooms, nose close to the pages or screens.  Back then it was just a little focusing muscle problem.

Don’t worry though.  I’m not going to unveil some miracle quick fix, here.

Because today your eyes aren’t NITM anymore.  Now they are lens-induced, progressive myopic.

And that’s a real problem.

One of the leading causes of blindness is retinal detachment, and retinal detachment risk increases by 400% even for mild myopia.  You don’t want to know how much it increases for high myopia (over -5 diopters).  I won’t tell you, just to not freak you out.

Or maybe I will.  It’s a 10-fold increase.  And that’s not to mention the precursors or lattice degeneration.  Ever had “floaters”?  Little bright spots?

Those are the first signs of “close to screwed”.

A lot of that can be sorted out.  If you get on it, not “later, soon, tomorrow”, you can likely still reverse a lot of those trends.  I’ve had good success with a whole lot of high myopes over the years.  Understanding the science behind eyesight and taking action, that’s the key to getting your eyes back.

There’s no need for questionable “eye vitamins”, or all the pointless eye exercise nonsense being sold online.  Don’t trust anything that doesn’t refer to clinical studies and proper scientific evidence.

The Answers To Healthy Eyes Are In Medical Journals.

You’ll find years and years of articles in the blog, with more than a few references to clinical studies.  There are also thousands of posts in the support forum.

I’m not an optometrist, fortunately.  I’m free to speak my mind, without fear of repercussion from some certifying board, or peers locked into dogma, profit motives, and outdated views on holistic vision health.

Want some real, candid, unscripted perspectives?

Watch this video, the first one I ever put online.  Yes, the first few minutes a bit of ramble, followed by some eye opening perspectives on mainstream optometry. (it starts automatically at 1:52 to skip the ramble)

Interesting to think about those parallels to other health risky businesses, right?

It’s always good to know when you are being sold something, rather than given medical advice (without the profit motive).

You can also find me here on Quora for questions (though I may not be providing detailed, specific, free, case specific advice involving prescription lenses there).

Warning about the Jake:  It’s an ironic twist of fate, that I found this method and (like a slow boiled frog) built the @endmyopia resource.  I am the furthest you could imagine from a credible and serious vision guide or guru (the guru thing, because of exactly this, is a bit of an inside joke).  

I’m hugely politically incorrect, I don’t fit well into polite society.  I’m also a total introvert, and I tend to just say what I think, oblivious of consequences.  You might find this in some of my writing.  Just think “rainman of the eyeballs”, not his fault.  

Also, there is a paid option to my advice, a structured course with forum access and my direct support.  That part, while not available directly from the site, isn’t free, or even cheap.  Some people get upset about this.   Know this: I put everything you really need up for free in the blog.  Participating in BackTo20/20, my natural myopia control study and structured program, is entirely optional (and by invite only, anyway).  

I just want you to know all this, going in.  I did reverse 5 diopters of myopia, and I do help thousands to do the same.  As long as you don’t expect me to be Oprah, you’ll be all right!

Financial Disclaimer:  I own stock in a number of lens manufacturing companies.  Why?  I know myopia as a profit industry better than most.   I see where things are going, and it’s a good investment betting against humanity’s future vision health.  Unfortunately the lens stock holdings make me a lot more money than this site ever could.  

Yes, I’m betting both sides.  I’m making lots of money on people who ignore my myopia advice.  I’m also minimizing karma loss by offering education and a way out of the vicious lens cycle, and you can optionally pay me to help you.  Or you can pay the optometrist, who buys the lenses, which drives up my stock portfolio.

You’re a dark, cynical bastard, Jake, you say.  And you’re right.  

I suggest you learn about myopia and get your eyes back.  You’ll be a whole lot happier later, if you invest a bit of time to learn today. 

Or keep making me those sweet, sweet lens stock gains. 

Want Your Eyesight Back?
Start with the basics: Learn about eye strain, diopters, and stimulus.

Thousands of myopes use my tricks, strategies, and habits for permanently better eyesight. 

Your favorite and also only eye guru,
