Hi [s2Get user_field=”first_name” /].

At this point you might be doing great.

Hopefully you settled into a good routine, you’re seeing improvements in centimeter and Snellen, you’re comfortable and mainly back to your regular life.  You come by to read the blog and take new sessions when you’re ready for them.  That, the ideal scenario.

Of course mileages vary.  If you need tips or suggestions at this point, please do write me a quick post in the forum!

So bearing in mind that I’m writing this without knowing exactly how you are doing right now, here’s something that may come in handy for you at some point (though not necessarily right now, today).

Here’s the scenario:

You were making good progress, everything was consistent, but lately you’ve been stuck.  (hopefully not right now, but sooner or later – maybe print out this session or save it as a bookmark)  Your centimeter isn’t changing on course as it used to and the weeks go by and everything is just the same.

Many potential reasons for this.  Most often it’s too much close-up, not enough breaks, not enough outdoor time.  Sometimes it’s just your biology taking some time to catch up.  It’s no cause for concern, really.

But there’s a trick, you can use.  This is serious business, so don’t play with this casually.

Here’s what you do:

Pick a weekend.  Go for a walk, pull some focus outside.  Now, go BACK to your previous normalized prescription while on your walk.  Retrace your steps, pull focus with all the same signs and license plates and billboards and shop window ads.  Lots of sharpness there now, and it’s super easy and the world looks amazing, compared to your current, more challenging prescription.

Dangerous game, this.

Why would you do it, even though you are taking all kinds of risks by increasing the focal plane change again?

Sometimes the system needs this type of stimulus.  Think of it as a reminder for your visual cortex about reference sharpness and clarity.  Once in a while we have to create that reference experience to help the brain resume actively engaged in seeking clarity over blur.

This is really a highly effective tool.  And yet I hesitate to give it to you.  You know why?

Besides the risk of going back to previous focal planes, the temptation of super clarity, and the negative stimulus you get from wearing this more than a short time, there’s one thing I really don’t want you to do.

Don’t start doing this often.  We’re talking about once or twice every few months, and just if you notice your improvements stagnating (slowing improvement is normal, make sure you distinguish your biology taking time to adapt and recover, and an actual plateau).

Action Items

Take a look at your log.  Start thinking about where you see improvements and where there are times of steady centimeter staying the same.  Recognize that there is a flow here, improvement, a period of rest, improvement again, etc.

Once you see that pattern, you can distinguish when rest becomes stagnation.  In those times, dig out the previous normalize, and use for a little reference experience.

15 to 20 minutes at a time, during an outdoor walk, no more than twice a day, no more than a weekend.  Don’t wear your new normalized right after the old one if possible.  Go indoors instead, read something relaxing, maybe push just a little focus in close-up.  Compare results after that with your new normalized.

Questions, comments, drop me a line in the forum.

Next session, let’s talk about leap improvements.  Remember, be sure to take in the current session, get all you need from it, and go for the next one when you’re ready to take action.



Session:  Audio Track

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Session:  Video Stream

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