It’s time to ditch those big prescriptions, [s2Get user_field=”first_name” /].

You’re probably reading the blog, and seeing stories like this one.

William quite literally lowered his prescription by 40% in 75 days.  That’s nuts!  That’s something that (as far as I know, and I know a thing or two) you can’t get anywhere else, besides right here.

In a few dozen countries and many hundreds of optometry related specialists, I’ve found exactly zero people who can give you those kinds of results.

And you can safely bet that nothing on the Internet can, either.

Still, I’m something like the best kept secret around.  Why am I not pushing for mainstream publicity?

Basically, I’m scared.

Imagine that this blows up.  A million people hear tomorrow, that you can reduce your prescription, rather than increase it.  A Times article does a big spread on the eye guru.  That idea truly frightens me, and I’ll duck it as long as I can.

What’d happen?  I’d be mobbed.  I’d be the subject of endless dissections, feverish arguments, and probably a whole lot of grief from that 100 billion dollar lens manufacturing industry.

I’d rather do this like great artists, who don’t become famous till post mortem.  😉

But here we are.  How did William reduce his prescription by 40% in 75 days, while maintaining binocular 20/15 vision?  (see the forum thread, link in the blog post, for his full assessment including the 20/15 Snellen)

He did exactly what we’re about to start looking at, today.

Let’s very briefly recap where you should be at, reading this.

1)  You have a differential prescription, and you’ve been using it for no less than 4 weeks.

2)  You understand and have active focus sorted.

3)  You have good habits for breaks.

4)  You have a centimeter log.

Check, all of the above?  Then let’s move on to the normalized prescription!

Action Items

We purposely didn’t go for the distance prescription until now.  It would have been too many changes all at once, both for your visual cortex, and intrusion on your day-to-day life.

Also, your eyes had plenty to work on, with new close-up correction and habits.

And we needed to look at your centimeter progression.

So here we are, the second slightly challenging part of the prescription management process.  Easier this time, since you already know what to expect.  This is basically the same process as the differential prescription, just this time … for distance vision.

Here’s what you want:

You may have seen my 20/50 rule, in the blog.

That’s not what you want to do.

You want to start out with 20/30.  

The goal is, 20/30 vision indoors, on your eye chart.  This will replace your regular distance prescriptions for all activities, except driving and other situations where you might need 20/20.

Here’s all the data you will want, to determine 20/30 level:

1.  Read the 20/50 blog post, for reference about the reason for the 20/30.

2.  Take your current centimeter results, and calculate your estimated diopter correction.

3.  Compare the values to your previous full prescription.

4.  Look at the eye chart, in natural lighting, indoors, find out which lines you can read.

5.  Your current differential prescription and distance with them.

—>  Post all of that in the forum, and I’ll make suggestions.  

Or, if you want to figure it out on your own, you can do that several ways:

1.  Put plus lenses over your current full prescription, find out which ones give you 20/30, subtract the plus prescription from your current full prescription.


2.  Use a test lens kit to determine 20/30 on a Snellen chart.


3.  Visit your friendly and supportive optometrist and have them determine 20/30 for you.  (same as the test lens kit results, just meaning you don’t need to own one)


4.  Contact lenses with all the possible lower diopters.  (not easy to get these days without prescriptions)


5.  Run the numbers, using the eye chart, and your centimeter distance.


6.  Add 1.5 diopters to your differential prescription, make that your normalized.  (will work reasonably well as a first normalized, except if you have more than 1 diopter of astigmatism correction)

As you already know from the differential prescription, you don’t want to have to guess too much.  Above options are all workable, and just like with the differential prescription only the first one is a bit of a guess.  The subsequent corrections are far easier!

I’m here to help, you probably saw the many hundreds of previous normalized suggestions in the forum from me, Alex, and Neha.  It’s what we do!

Let’s get on that.

Between now and when you actually receive your normalized prescription, we’ll talk about how you want to start using it.  Don’t just throw it on as soon as you get it, without reading Part II of this session first, please!

Once that is sorted, we are basically DONE with figuring out prescriptions.  From there on out it’ll be smooth sailing, all talk about more great habits, tools for consistent improvements, and various of the other things I’ve figured out over the years.

Exciting times!  🙂

And lastly, this is a must read (and save) for all future reductions:  How To Correctly Reduce Normalized, The Guru Way

Let me know how you do, in the forum.  Questions and observation, let’s keep some dialog.


– Jake

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